Emergency Preparedness

It is not a secret that preparing your own meals without the processing, and added chemicals is the best way to consume food. It is the cleanest and healthiest option of all. But what if there was an emergency and preparing your own food is not an option?

September is Emergency Preparedness month. So, it is a good time to think about what foods to have on hand in case you find yourself in that unfortunate situation.

I am sure in this situation you may not be thinking about healthy options, but if you plan there are some foods that are healthier than others to have on hand for the family.

First and foremost - Bottled Water – lots of bottled water!

Canned meats packed in water – Tuna, Salmon, Sardines, and Chicken Breast. The nice thing about these is you don’t need to do much preparation to eat them. You can eat them right from the can if needed.

Tip: Buy the cans that have the pull tab just in case you don’t have a can opener in your emergency supplies.

Freeze Dried Fruits and Vegetables – This is a good way to obtain some needed. vitamins and minerals we all need, since fresh may not be an option in an emergency.

Canned Beans – No need to cook, just need a fork and some bottled sauces (if you like) such as hot sauce if you would like to add a little different flavor. Not to mention they are packed with fiber and necessary vitamins. Tip: buy organic with little to no additives.

Whole Grains Whole grains such as cereals, crackers and rice.. Stock up on cereals with less than 5 grams of sugar. Whole grain rice is a good option if you have the ability to heat water.

Instant Oatmeal – If you have a way to heat up water.

Assorted Nuts and or Trail Mix – Go nuts stock up!                     

Peanut Butter and or Nut Butters – Try to choose products most natural with the least amount of ingredients. The less ingredients = less processing.

Best case scenario is never needing to dip into your emergency stash. But if you do, these items will be helpful in getting your family the nutrients needed to get by day by day until conditions improve.